Saturday, February 20, 2016

Extension Approach in Development Communication

Extension Approach in Development Communication

Extension = Ex + Tensio (Latin roots)

Ex = out, Tensio = Stretching

Extension = Stretching out/ reaching out

Extension Education: Extension is that type of education which is stretched out to people in the rural areas far and near, beyond the reach of educational institutions to which the formal type of education is usually confined.

Example: Village Level Workers (VLWs), extension workers of different departments educating the villagers on different issues.

Need For Extension Education:

1. Arises out of the fact that the condition of the rural people in general, and the farmers in particular, has got to be improved. There is a gap between what is—the actual situation and what ought to be--- the desirable situation. This gap has to be narrowed down mainly by the application of science and technology in their enterprises and bringing appropriate changes in their behavior.

2. It is practically not possible for the researchers/scientists to visit the villages and persuade the villagers to adopt scientific methods for their developments and understand their problems.

3. It has been found to be inconvenient to the farmers to visit research institutes to get first hand information.

Thus there is need for an agency to intermediate.

Objectives of Extension Education:

The fundamental objective of extension is to develop the rural people economically, socially and culturally by means of education.

The general objectives of extension are:

1. To assist people to discover and analyze their problems and identify the felt needs.
2. To disseminate research information of economic and practical importance in a way people would be able to understand and use.
3. To assist people in mobilizing and utilizing the resources which they have and which they need from outside.
4. To collect and transmit feedback information for solving management problems.
5. To develop leadership among people and help them in organizing groups to solve their problems.

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